Board of Ethics

The Scranton Board of Ethics is responsible for advising on the city’s ethics rules, handling complaints, and deciding whether to pursue investigations. It appoints officers for investigations, holds hearings, and can issue subpoenas. The Board also educates public officials, city employees, and business entities on ethical conduct, and implements and enforces ethics rules. Additionally, it annually reviews financial interest statements as per the Code of Ethics.

The mission of the Board of Ethics is to administer and apply the ethics provisions of the Charter of the City of Scranton and the Code of Ethics to endeavor to maintain a high standard of ethical behavior by City employees and officials.

Beginning March 16, 2022, the Board of Ethics will meet every other month on the third Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. either virtually or in the Governor’s Room at Scranton City Hall.

Residents may send their comments/questions for the board in writing to be included in the official record by emailing no later than 2:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting. Changes to this schedule will be legally advertised in the Scranton Times-Tribune

Jamie Davis Schelling, Esq., Solicitor

Ethics Board Mailing Address (for non-ethics complaint matters):

Ethics Board, City of Scranton
340 N. Washington Avenue
Scranton, PA 18503

For meeting information, agendas, and minutes please click here.

Any person residing in the City of Scranton may file an ethics complaint with the Board by completing the Ethics Board Complaint Form included on this webpage. Complaints to the Ethics Board should be filed in accordance with the instructions on the Ethics Board Complaint Form and mailed to:

Ethics Board, City of Scranton
PO Box 668
235 N. Washington Avenue
Scranton, PA, 18501

Board Members

David Falcheck
Board Member
Alex Placke
Board Member
Harry V. McKay, Jr.
Board Member
Teresa Grettano
Board Member
Andrew LaZella
Board Member
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