In partnership with the Black Scranton Project (BSP), Mayor Paige G. Cognetti and city officials hosted the annual Pan-African Flag Raising Ceremony at City Hall to kick off Black History Month. This is an annual tradition that began in February 2020 and was a historic moment for the City of Scranton to honor the legacy of African Americans and Black Scrantonians.
The national theme for Black History Month 2024 is “African Americans and the Arts” according to the Association for the Study of African American Life and History. The BSP has localized this theme with their “Healing Through the Arts” theme and event series for the month and year. BSP emphasizes their year-long commitment to fostering wellness and resilience in the Scranton community and the importance of investing in artistic expression, wellness, and belonging.
“We always enjoy raising the Pan-African Flag at City Hall to kick off Black History Month with our partners at the Black Scranton Project and members of the community,” said Mayor Cognetti.

“We are thrilled to announce our upcoming 5th annual Black History Month Celebration and exhibit. This year, we will be highlighting community-based health initiatives and activities, while still promoting local history and art,” said Glynis Johns, MA, Founder and CEO of the Black Scranton Project. “It’s wonderful to witness other BHM events, exhibitions, and programs emerging throughout NEPA.”
Mayor Cognetti also issued a proclamation declaring the month of February as Black History Month in the City of Scranton. Throughout the month of February, the BSP will host programming and events surrounding wellness and community. For more information, see the BHM 2024 section of their website.
ABOUT THE BLACK SCRANTON PROJECT: Black Scranton is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and local heritage initiative dedicated to archiving and celebrating Black history and culture of the Scranton, PA region. The Black Scranton Project aims to uplift the creative and cultural spirit in the Scranton area by supporting community artistic and ethnic representation in an effort to elevate the core of neighborhood culture. To learn more, visit
Scranton Celebrates Black History Month with Flag Raising at City Hall – Press Release
Last modified: February 7, 2024