Scranton Hiring Lifeguards for Busy 2025 Summer Season

March 6, 2025

City Anticipates a Total of Five Pools and Splash Pads to be Open for 2025 Including the New Outdoor Facility at Weston Field.

SCRANTON, PA. – The City of Scranton is hiring dozens of lifeguards to help cover five outdoor and indoor water facilities for 2025.

“Through the American Rescue Plan, the proactive pursuit of grants, and effective planning for parks and recreation, we have invested heavily in our parks and pools,” Mayor Paige G. Cognetti said. “We want everyone to have a safe summer whether they’re swimming in our new outdoor pool at Weston Field, returning to Weston or Connell Parks, or enjoying the Novembrino Park splash pad.”

Scranton officials anticipate opening the following pool complexes in 2025:

  • Weston Field indoor pool and new outdoor pool, 982 Providence Road; 
  • Connell Park refurbished pool, 800 Gibbons Street; 
  • Weston Park, 127 Spring Street; and
  • Novembrino Park splash pad, 200 10th Avenue.

Construction projects at Weston Field and Connell Park are currently on schedule, according to Parks and Recreation Director Steve Heintz. Along with multiple pools planned to open for 2025, a future splash pad is planned for the Capouse Avenue Park, 1300 Capouse Avenue, and work continues on the new pool complex at Nay Aug Park, 500 Arthur Avenue.

Prospective Scranton lifeguards can apply online at Lifeguards earn $16 per hour, and lifeguard captains receive $18 per hour.

The summer swim season unofficially begins on Sat., May 24, for the Memorial Day weekend with the opening of the Novembrino splash pad. Outdoor pools will open daily from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the end of the Scranton School District school year on Sat., June 14, and all outdoor facilities close on Labor Day, Mon., Sept. 1. The indoor pool at Weston Field is open year-round, weekdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. for adult swim and from 3 to 5:30 p.m. for the general public.

Lifeguard applicants will need their American Red Cross lifeguard certification and clearances including Pennsylvania Child Abuse Clearance, Pennsylvania State Police background check, and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) fingerprinting and background clearance. Costs for clearances and certifications are reimbursable with receipts. 

Applicants can register now for a lifeguard certification course provided by the Soel Institute at Weston Field House from June 6 to 8, by visiting

For other opportunities to obtain your lifeguard certification, visit or follow the Scranton Department of Parks and Recreation on Facebook at

For more information, contact Parks and Recreation Director Steve Heintz at or call Weston Field at 570.348.4186.

ABOUT THE CITY OF SCRANTON: Incorporated in 1866, the City of Scranton has a population of approximately 76,000 residents and is the sixth-largest municipality in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Scranton City Hall is located at 340 N. Washington Ave., Scranton, PA 18503. Residents requiring services should visit

ABOUT MAYOR PAIGE G. COGNETTIPaige G. Cognetti was sworn in as the 36th Mayor of Scranton in January 2020. Her administration is focused on driving economic growth, upgrading infrastructure, ensuring public safety, fostering government transparency and efficiency, and improving residents’ overall quality of life.

Scranton Hiring Lifeguards for Busy 2025 Summer Season | Press Release

Last modified: March 7, 2025

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