Green Business Directory
Scranton actively supports businesses and organizations who adopt green and sustainable business practices, such as reducing the use of plastic or conserving energy. This directory is used to highlight those businesses who go above and beyond to live up to the highest environmental standards.
Scranton also encourages businesses to consider switching over to environmentally-friendly practices. Below are a list of resources to help businesses get started on becoming more sustainable.
Name | Address | Phone | Website |
Little Wild Refillery | 343 N. Washington Ave | — | |
The Releafery | 960 Prescott Ave | 724-309-1066 | |
Looking to make your business more sustainable? Here are a few links to helpful resources:
EPA – Small Business Resources
EPA – Small Business Information Sheet
GreenBIZ Article – 11 ways small businesses can become more eco-friendly
Constellation – How to Develop a Small Business Sustainability Plan