May 14, 2021
Updated Mask Requirements for City of Scranton Buildings
SCRANTON, PA— On May 13, the CDC released updated guidance that lifts masking and physical distancing requirements for individuals who are fully vaccinated, except where required by law, rule or regulation, including local business and workplace guidance.
City of Scranton employees who are fully vaccinated may remove masks in their offices and meeting rooms, but masks remain required in public areas such as hallways and bathrooms, indoor recreation facilities, and public offices such as the Treasury Office at City Hall, as well as during public meetings where members of the public are authorized to gather, to include City Council meetings and meetings for Boards, Commissions, and Authorities.
We will communicate further guidance and policy changes in the near future, and as the Commonwealth gives further guidance on vaccination thresholds and progress in order to remove outstanding mitigation measures.
Based on the CDC’s lifting of the mask mandate for vaccinated individuals, we will open City Hall to the public at 8 a.m. on Monday, May 17. The prior opening date was set for June 1.
City Council will resume in-person meetings on Tuesday, May 25.
Last modified: May 14, 2021