The City of Scranton recently adopted Strategic Economic Development Plan will be integral to achieving measurable, sustainable economic growth and improving quality of life for our residents. By putting this formal plan in place, the City of Scranton can take control of its economic development to better align our strategies and resources with community and regional partners to improve the welfare of businesses and citizens alike.
We would love to see your business flourish in Scranton. Whether you’re looking to start-up, expand or re-locate to Scranton, we are here to help. Financing a business enterprise most often requires outside assistance. The first step for most is to contact a private lending institution. Beyond this, there are public and private funding sources that may be able to offer financial support.
Office Hours:
Monday-Friday | 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM
Revolving loan funds (RLFs) make loans to businesses that cannot otherwise obtain traditional bank financing. Applicants must be private, for-profit businesses. Borrowers must demonstrate that credit is not otherwise available on terms and conditions that permit the completion or successful operation of the activity to be financed. The maximum EDA loan amount will be $100,000 however loan can be no more than 30% of the total project costs.
Learn More about the Revolving Loan Fund here.
This federally funded gap loan program was developed to enhance job creation by providing assistance to existing businesses looking to expand, for starting up a new business, or for businesses looking to relocate to Scranton. As per the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) guidelines, borrowers must create one full time equivalent job for every $35,000 borrowed. If job creation and guidelines are met, the loan can transfer to a grant, with no repayment necessary.
Learn more about the Loan-to-Grant Program (HUD) here.
The Local Economic Revitalization Tax Assistance Program (LERTA) offers incentives to residents, investors, developers, and business owners considering investing in new construction or building improvements located within the City of Scranton.
Designed to encourage economic development and community growth, the LERTA program allows local government taxing entities to extend a tax abatement period to property owners. This tax abatement is for improvements to real estate within the designated LERTA area.
The terms of the abatement vary per site, building and location. LERTA abatements are directed and approved by the Scranton School District and City of Scranton. Lackawanna County’s acceptance of LERTA applications for the City of Scranton and in conjunction with the Scranton School District ended as of March 1, 2024. The County will not be processing any LERTA applications for the City going forward, so County taxes will still need to be paid in full.
Local Share Accounts (LSA)
The City of Scranton is an eligible applicant for the PA Race Horse Development and Gaming Act (Act 2004-71) as amended has established the Pennsylvania Gaming Local Share Account (“Local Share Account”) under the Commonwealth Financing Authority (CFA) for the purpose of distributing 2% of gross terminal revenues of certain licensed gaming facilities in an orderly and timely fashion to support and enhance community and economic well-being and mitigate the impact of gaming and related activities.
The Local Share Account (LSA) guidelines were established to provide guidance to the organizations/developers (hereinafter referred to as “Applicant”) interested in applying for funding. Applications are received by CFA between July 1st and September 30th of each year.
Learn more on Local Share Accounts (LSA) here.