301 Green Ridge Street – Paperboard & Packing Company
Council has been advised to date that vacating the street was agreed by Don King, City Planner, and Scott Pietreface, DPW Director, and awaits further opinion or legislation to vacate the dead-end block. (The actual company name at 301 Green Ridge Street, and managed by Mr. Tsigounis, is Inland Paperboard & Packing Company.)
Our Solicitor’s Response:
If a property owner wishes to vacate a “paper road”, the process starts with the property owner (or group of property owners) filing a petition with the local governing body requesting that that specific road be vacated. Has Mr. Tsigounis submitted a petition (or anyone else) regarding the street?
The Cost of Labor Counsel for CBA/Contracts
Councilman Tom Schuster Asked:
Can you provide a breakdown of the cost of labor counsel for the CBA/Contracts; Specifically the fire fighter agreement?
Our Solicitor’s Response:
Administration has asked Ufberg & Associates for an itemized bill, and Attorney Ufberg had clarifying questions for Mr. Schuster in response.
1600 Block of North Sumner
Councilman Tom Schuster Asked:
Can the City’s law department provide their opinion on the 1600 Block of N. Sumner, as a small group of neighbors are still contesting the removal of planters.
Our Solicitor’s Response:
The planters that were on N. Sumner Ave had been placed there over twenty years ago. DPW moved the planters at the request of Council within the last two weeks. It is Administration’s understanding that the planters were put in place under a prior administration due to the narrow nature of the road. Those planters are now up at Nay Aug Park. It is the Administration’s position, supported by the Law Dept, that, should residents continue to express discontent with this recent and drastic change, which is understandable, that residents be encouraged to submit a petition to vacate the street to Council and follow the process as also mentioned in 301 Green Ridge Street – Paperboard & Packing Company, above.
Costs related to the Specific Actions
Councilman Tom Schuster and Councilman Mark McAndrew:
Thank the administration for the itemized list of actions to date, however, both have asked, as of the last meeting, for the costs related to the specific actions in addition to firms used by the city to date.
Our Solicitor’s Response:
The Administration is in receipt of this question and is processing this request.
Feedback on the Pole Project
Council President William King Asked:
Can the city provide more specific plans or feedback from the principals on the pole project regarding the specific type of poles in addition to how the poles and setbacks may affect homeowners and other property owners.
Our Solicitor’s Response:
The Administration is in receipt of this question and is processing this request.
Leases of City Fields
Councilman Tom Schuster asked:
What is occurring next year in terms of the leases of the city fields?
Out Solicitor’s Response:
The City of Scranton is updating its use and access of Little League fields so that interested leagues and groups who wish to use City Parks and Fields can apply for a license.
The City sincerely appreciates its leagues and groups who have used the parks and fields over the years and will give priority to those groups/leagues who have tenure in usage as a courtesy. The City intends to roll out the license system online by the Spring of 2024.
Please see below for sample correspondence that that administration has sent out regarding this issue.
[SAMPLE] Field Usage Agreement Notice Letter
Please also be advised that licensing agreements secure funding due to the leagues/organizations needing to have site control to qualify for grant moneys. An organization risks owing all grant monies back after audit, or not even qualifying in the first place, without the site control provisions as outlined by the licensing agreements (not leasing).
DPW’s ‘Other Salaries’ Account
Councilman Tom Schuster Asked:
Can the City provide more information on the intended use of DPW’s other salaries account?
Our Solicitor’s Response:
The “Other Salary” line item in the budget is used to pay out employee’s time when they retire and salaries for “casual” employees. It is being transferred to cover a short fall in the “Tire” line item.
Recap of the meeting held at City Hall on Friday, October 20
Councilman Mark McAndrew Asked:
Can the City provide a recap of the meeting held at City Hall on Friday, October 20, involving the Briggs Street pipe in Keyser Valley?
Our Solicitor’s Response:
To our knowledge, no city staff attended a meeting that day regarding this topic.
Department of Public Works Overtime
Nay Aug Park Pool Approximate Operating Costs
Last modified: November 2, 2023