City Council Meeting Recap – November 07, 2024

November 7, 2024

At its regular meeting on Thurs., Nov. 7, 2024, Scranton City Council:

  1. Held a pre-meeting caucus regarding the 2025 Operating Budget with the Mayor’s Office, Office of Economic and Community Development, and the Parks and Recreation Department. The operating budget, which does not include a real estate tax increase as proposed, is available for review online. Video of the caucus session is available online through the ECTV YouTube channel.
  2. Introduced an ordinance containing the 2025 general city operating budget. The ordinance was introduced by a vote of 4-0, with Councilmember William F. King absent.
  3. Introduced a resolution to enter an interlocal agreement with Lackawanna County that will enable the City access to funding through the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistant Grant (JAG). The funding is a block grant in the amount of $47,699 to be used in fiscal year 2025 for the coordination of local police efforts. The resolution was introduced by a vote of 4-0.
  4. Introduced a resolution to accept at $1,800 donation from Elan Skille Nursing and Rehabilitation to the Scranton Fire Department. The funds will be used to purchase educational fire prevention materials. The resolution was introduced by a vote of 4-0.
  5. Introduced a resolution to enter a contract with Fugro USA Land, Inc. Fugro USA Land was chosen from six proposals to perform services related to the Lackawanna Regional Stormwater Impervious Area Assessment, including the collection of photogrammetric and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) services to support the development of a regional stormwater authority for the municipalities of Clarks Summit, Dickson City, Dunmore, Moosic, Old Forge, Scranton, South Abington Township, and Taylor. The $97,400 contract will be paid using American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. The resolution was introduced by a vote of 4-0.
  6. Advanced an ordinance to approve an intergovernmental agreement between the City of Scranton and the Borough of Moosic regarding the coordination of zoning, planning, and code enforcement of 53 Glenmaura National Blvd., Scranton, which was purchased in December 2022 by Commonwealth Charter Academy. The ordinance was advanced by a vote of 4-0.
  7. Adopted an ordinance to donate a 2015 Ford Taurus Interceptor former patrol vehicle to the Career Technology Center of Lackawanna County (CTCLC). The vehicle is not longer of use to the Scranton Police Department. It will be restored by CTCLC students through their automotive departments and later used in its Protective Services Program that trains future first responders. The ordinance was adopted by a vote of 4-0.
  8. The public is notified of additional City departmental work sessions regarding the 2025 operating budget at the following dates and times:
  9. Tues., Nov. 12, 5:30 with the Department of Public Works, Police Department, and Fire Department.
  10. Tues., Nov. 19, with the Business Administration, Human Resources, Information Technology, Law Department, and Treasury.

City Council Meeting Recap – November 07, 2024 | PDF

Last modified: February 19, 2025

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