2025 Capital Budget | As Proposed on August 15, 2024

August 19, 2024

Pursuant to §904 of the City of Scranton Home Rule Charter, please find attached the proposed 2025 City of Scranton Capital Budget (Capital Budget). This Capital Budget is a continuation of documents submitted by previous administrations and is intended as both a short-term and longterm planning tool identifying the capital needs of the City of Scranton.

Also included with the 2025 Capital Budget this year is a proposed 2025 Capital Reserve Fund Spending Plan (Capital Spending Plan). The submission of the proposed Capital Spending Plan is required by File of Council No. 11 of 2024. The proposed Capital Spending Plan includes identified revenues and expenses for capital projects in 2025.

The Capital Budget is submitted to your office at this time in compliance with the submission schedule identified in the Home Rule Charter. Please place this document on the agenda of City Council for introduction.

Last modified: August 19, 2024

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