Zoning regulates land use and structure placement to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the City’s residents and businesses. It is the first step in most projects within the City.
The Zoning Ordinance, Section 445 of the City Code, is the written law that prevents overcrowding and unhealthy conditions. It regulates lot sizes and setback requirements, establishes density, building height, and buffering standards, and sets requirements for signage and parking.
Before starting any construction job, opening a business, installing a fence, putting up a sign, or undertaking any other project, it is important to review the Zoning Ordinance provisions to ensure compliance.
Office Hours:
Monday-Friday | 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM
570.348.4193 ext. 4531
There are three types of uses that regularly apply to zoning: Permitted by Right, Special Exception, and Conditional Uses.
Permitted by Right Use
If a use is listed as permitted by right by the Zoning Ordinance and meets all requirements, the Zoning Officer shall authorize zoning approval for a permit application.
Special Exception Use
If a use is listed as a special exception use by the Zoning Ordinance and meets all requirements, the Zoning Officer shall authorize zoning approval only upon the written order of the Zoning Hearing Board after a hearing, which will ensure that the use will be consistent with the surrounding neighborhood.
Conditional Use
If a use is listed as a conditional use by the Zoning Ordinance and meets all requirements, the Zoning Officer shall authorize zoning approval upon the written order of the City Council, after the City Planning Commission has been given an opportunity to review the application.
This is usually for uses that affect the well-being of the entire City.
An applicant may request a variance if a proposed use does not conform with the Zoning Ordinance, and the Ordinance creates an undue hardship upon the applicant.
According to the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, the applicant must prove the following findings for a variance request:
For more information about the Zoning Hearing Board, please refer to Article I of the Zoning Ordinance, or visit the Zoning Hearing Board page by clicking here.
The Zoning Officer is the official responsible for interpreting and enforcing the Zoning Ordinance. The Zoning Officer is responsible for many important duties in the City, including:
If you suspect potential violations of the Zoning Ordinance, or have any questions regarding regulations that may apply to you, please contact the Zoning Officer.
To streamline the permitting process, the City of Scranton no longer requires a separate zoning permit for projects. Zoning review and approval is automatically integrated into every permit application through out online portal. If you require zoning approval for a project that does not require a building permit (such as fences, sidewalks, or swimming pools), please contact the Zoning Officer for a letter of zoning approval at 570.348.4193 ext. 4531
You should contact the Zoning Officer at 570.348.4193 ext. 4531 between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday to Friday
Eight (8) feet is the required setback. Affidavits are available if your neighbor agrees for you to construct it less than 8 feet (see section 403.14 of zoning ordinance, page 4-36)
Yes. A 4 foot fence is required.
Fences can be constructed on the lot line. (See Section 403.5.d of the Zoning Ordinance, pages 4-30 to 4-31) 6 ½ feet in rear / 4 feet in front yard.
Setbacks are five (5) feet. Affidavits are available if your neighbor agrees for you to construct it less than 5 feet. (see pages 3-20 through 3-25 of the zoning ordinance).
A zoning variance may be requested from the Zoning Hearing Board. The purpose of the Board is to hear requests for relief by property owners or tenants from any section of the Zoning Ordinance. To apply to appear before the Zoning Hearing Board or for more information, click here.
When a complaint is filed with the City Planning and Zoning office, a zoning officer will inspect the property to verify the complaint.
If any of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance are being violated, the officer will send a certified letter to the property owner and/or lessee indicting the nature of the violation and ordering the action necessary to correct it.
If a violation continues, the matter is filed with the district magistrate’s office for a hearing.
Call the Zoning Officer at 570.348.4193 ext. 4531 between the hours of 8:00 am and 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday.
You can also report a violation on Scranton 311 by clicking here.
When reporting a complaint, provide the address of the property in question, specifics as to what you observed, and when the alleged violation occurs.