Agency for Community Empowerment of NEPA
Offers rent, utilities, and vehicle assistance to residents of Lackawanna County with at least 21 hours a week of employment, living at or below 200% of poverty.
Provides an abundance of resources, including the COLTS transit system, crisis support, counseling, and more.
Offers many housing programs including a Home Buyer Program, West Scranton Revitalization Program, and Aging in Place assistance.
United Neighborhood Centers of NEPA
Provides resources and programs for family needs including subsidized childcare services, rental assistance, the Pine Brook Neighborhood Plan, SCOLA, and senior services.
United Way of Lackawanna, Wayne, & Pike
Offers Medicare counseling, telehealth program for seniors, child education support, as well as financial aid programs.
Need Help Finding the Right Support?
Dial 211 or visit NEPA211 to search for support including housing, food, mental health, veteran assistance, legal services, and more.
Looking for Public Health Resources? Visit our Public Health Page!
Last modified: December 11, 2024