Together, we can slow the spread of the virus and save lives.

Scranton COVID-19 Data
New cases have increased ~40% from 1 month ago.

What this means:
This is the total number of people who tested positive for COVID-19 over the last month in the Scranton area.Why is this important?
Hospitalizations are up ~40% compared 1 month ago.

What this means:
This represents the number of people currently admitted to hospitals in the Scranton area for complications related to COVID-19. Why is this important?
There were 28 deaths in the month.

What this means:
This number represents the number of people in the Scranton area who have died in the last month from COVID.Why is this important?
The numbers refer to zip code level data and may include cases outside of Scranton’s area.
Data reflects totals in the past month, and was updated on December 21, 2020.COVID-19 Data by ZIP Code
Guidance for Residents
Stay at Home
Pennsylvania residents are advised to stay home unless leaving for work, school, or essential activities such as seeking medical care, providing child care or eldercare, going to the grocery store or pharmacy, picking up food, or exercising.
For details about the stay-at-home advisory, click here.
Time frame:
Until January 4, 2021 Why is this important?
Wear a Mask
Face coverings are required indoors and outdoors if you are away from home or unable to keep six feet apart from others who do not live in your household. This mandate applies to everyone over age two. For more details about the mask mandate, click here. For information about choosing, wearing, and cleaning your mask, click here.
Time frame:
Until further notice Why is this important?
Social Distance
Stay at least six feet apart from other people when in public or around people who do not live in your house. For more information, click here.
Time frame:
Until further notice Why is this important?
Current COVID-19 Restrictions & Winter Holiday Guidance
Limit Gatherings
Pennsylvanians are advised to limit indoor gatherings to 10 people or fewer and limit outdoor gatherings to 50 people or fewer. These limitations apply to weddings and funerals.
Religious services are excluded from the limitations, but faith-based institutions are strongly encouraged to find alternative methods for worship, as in person gatherings pose a significant risk to participants at this time. More details are available here and here.
Time frame:
Until January 4, 2021 Why is this important?
Travel Restrictions
Travelers entering or returning to the city from other states and countries should have a negative COVID test within 72 hours prior to entering the city or quarantine for 10 days.
If a traveler chooses to get tested upon entering the Commonwealth, or is waiting for test results, the traveler must quarantine for 10 days, or until receipt of a negative test result, whichever comes first. For more travel related information, click here.
Time frame:
Until further noticeWhy is this important?
Winter Holiday Guidance
Avoid having an indoor party/celebrations with people who do not live with you in your home.
Avoid unnecessary travel out of the state or country. More information is available here.
Until January 4, 2021 Why is this important?
If you’re exposed to someone with confirmed COVID-19, even if you don’t have any symptoms, you must:
Quarantine for 7 days followed by a negative COVID-19 test
Quarantine for 10 days without a negative test
Some people with the virus never develop symptoms, so you could spread the virus even if you don’t feel sick. You may also have COVID-19 even if you have a negative test. Remember, one infected person can spread the virus to many other people. Your choices matter!
Guidance for Institutions
Guidance for Businesses
- Governor Wolfe’s orders for businesses
- Scranton right-of-way retail permit
- Scranton Small Business Relief Program
- National Restaurant Association
Guidance for Schools
Please visit the Pennsylvania Department of Education
Testing Information
Who should get a test?
People who have symptoms of COVID-19, such as but not limited to:
- Fever or chills
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Fatigue
- Muscle or body aches
- Headache
- New loss of taste or smell
- Sore throat
- Congestion or runny nose
- Nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea
Please visit the CDC website for the full list of symptoms.
People who have had close contact with someone with confirmed COVID-19 (within six feet for a total of 15 minutes or more).
If you’ve been exposed to someone with confirmed COVID-19—even if you don’t have any symptoms—it’s important to quarantine for 7 days followed by a negative COVID-19 test OR quarantine for 10 days without a negative test.
People who have taken part in activities that put them at higher risk for COVID-19 because they cannot socially distance as needed, such as travel, attending large social or mass gatherings, or being in crowded indoor settings.
People who have been asked or referred to get tested by their healthcare provider.
More information about who should get a test is available here.
Where can I get a test?
Information about where you can get a COVID-19 test can be found here and here.
Having difficulty viewing on your phone or tablet? View the mobile version of the testing map.
General COVID-19 Guidance & Information
View additional COVID-19 information by clicking on a topic below: