Wednesday, March 15th, 2023 at 6:00pm
The Zoning Hearing Board of the City of Scranton hereby gives notice that it will conduct a public hearing at City Hall, 340 N. Washington Ave., City Council Chambers (2nd Floor) on Wednesday, March 15th, 2023, AT 6:00 PM. to consider, deliberate, discuss and/or take official action on any matter that may lawfully come before it and to consider and take action on the following applications:
1. 722 Cherry St LLC seeks variance to add 5th unit to 722 Cherry St. R-1A zone.
2. Madelyn Heisler seeks variance to use ½ of double home as hair salon. 237 N Cameron Ave. R-1A zone.
3. Binal Patel seeks variance to covert single-family home to 3-unit home at 622 Quincy Ave. R-2O zone.
4. Alto Strada Development LLC seeks variance to construct 2-unit home, seeking reduction in minimum lot size and relief from setback requirements at 627-29 Prescott Ave. R-1A zone.
5. Alto Strada Development LLC seeks variance to construct 2-unit home, seeking reduction in minimum lot size and relief from setback requirements at 627 Prescott Ave. Rear. R-1A zone
6. Alto Strada Development LLC seeks variance to construct 2-unit home, seeking reduction in minimum lot size and relief from setback requirements at 525 Harrison Ave. R-1A zone
7. Ann Marie Nasser seeks variance to reestablish 2-unit use at 2624 Glinko St. R-1 zone.
8. Ziada Cardona seeks variance to convert carpet warehouse/retail store to auto repair garage at 1650 N Keyser Ave. C-N zone.
9. Ismail Paktik seeks variance to convert 4-unit home to 7-unit home at 630 Jefferson Ave. R-2O zone.
Anyone interested in becoming a party to the above listed cases or have any questions regarding the hearing are directed to contact the City Zoning Officer at 570-348-4193 x4531 or by email at
Robert Gattens, Chairman, Scranton Zoning Hearing Board
Public Participation Welcome.