Right to Know Request

Email rtk@scrantonpa.gov for more information or to submit a form.

Right-to-Know Request Form

The Right to Know Law (starting in 2009) in its entirety can be found on the
Pennsylvania Office of Open Records website. A request should describe or identify the records sought with enough specificity to enable the Open Records Officer to ascertain which records are being requested. Upon receipt the city has 5 days to respond or may request an extension up to 30 days depending on the complexity of the request.

The cost for copies is twenty five cents ($0.25) per page.  A requester may be requested to prepay if the cost of the fees to fulfill the request exceed or are expected to exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00).

To appeal a denial of a Right-to-Know request, please do so through the online version of the official OOR Appeal Form located here:

If that is not possible, the OOR also accepts appeals via email, fax, postal mail, and in-person submission at:
Office of Open Records
333 Market Street, 16th Floor
Harrisburg, PA
Fax: (717-425-5343)

To appeal a denial of criminal records, please do so in writing to:

Lackawanna County District Attorney’s Office
135 Jefferson Ave
Scranton, PA 18503
Phone: 570-963-6717
Fax: 570-963-6304

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