Improvements to the City’s Code Enforcement Operations

February 28, 2023

Updates Aimed at Improving the City’s Code Enforcement Operations

  • Cut Red Tape for contractors, businesses, homeowners, and residents
  • Improve Housing Quality, Health, and Safety by redirecting resources towards code enforcement that improves our neighborhoods
  • Simplify and Clarify requirements to make it easier for contractors, landlords, and residents to comply with the code
  • Foster an Improved Business Environment to increase entrepreneurship
  1. Permits Reform: Repealing outdated requirements for city permits, such as the 25-cent bicycle license fee, and amending other city permit requirements, such as permanently extending the reduction in peddler’s license fees.
  2. Contractor Licensing Reform: Simplifying and clarifying the requirements for obtaining a Contractor License, such as reducing the number of reference letters required for contractors.
  3. Inspection Fee Reform: Reducing inspection fees by 45%.
  4. Rental Regulation Reform: Clarifying landlords’ responsibilities under City Code, establishing regular inspections of rental properties, increasing compliance across the City, and strengthening enforcement mechanisms.

Code Enforcement Operation Updates

Last modified: February 28, 2023

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